How Does Aircraft Cable Differ From Wire Rope?2024-09-30T14:49:47+00:00

Only aircraft cables have wire strand cores (WSC) and are available in smaller diameters than wire rope. For example, aircraft cables are available in 3/64” diameter while most wire ropes begin at a 1/4″ diameter.

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What Are Aircraft Cables Typically Coated With?2024-09-30T14:49:43+00:00

Aircraft cables are usually coated with PVC, nylon, or HDPE. These coatings have their own uses in individual settings and applications.

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What is Coated Aircraft Cable?2024-09-30T14:49:39+00:00

Coated aircraft cable refers to wire rope that has been given an outer coating of material. This coating provides protection, insulation, strength, and color coding.

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What is Nylon-coated Wire Rope Used for?2024-09-30T14:49:36+00:00

On a wire rope, nylon coating provides resistance to abrasion, impact, and moisture. Nylon is known for its high temperature ratings and uses in military applications.

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What Stranding Constructions Does Mil-dtl-83420 Cover?2024-09-30T14:49:33+00:00
  • 7×7 bare
  • 7×7 jacketed
  • 7×19 bare
  • 7×19 jacketed

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What Stranding Constructions Does Mil-dtl-83140 Cover?2024-09-30T14:49:30+00:00

19×7 rotation resistant.

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What Stranding Constructions Does Mil-dtl-87161 Cover?2024-09-30T14:49:23+00:00


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What Are the Differences Between Stainless Steel and Galvanized Aircraft Cable?2024-09-30T14:49:19+00:00

Stainless Steel aircraft cable is the highest quality aircraft cable available and consists of corrosion-resistant steel wires. While it tests at almost the same pulling strength as galvanized aircraft cable, it lasts longer under harsh conditions in caustic and acidic environments such as saltwater. In mild environments, Galvanized aircraft cable is an economical alternative to stainless steel.

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What is the difference between types 302/304 and 316 Stainless Steel aircraft cable?2024-09-30T14:49:15+00:00

Type 316 has a higher corrosion resistance ranking than type 302/304, while type 302/304 has a higher strength and fatigue resistance ranking. As the carbon content of the stainless steel alloy increases, strength and fatigue resistance also increase, but corrosion resistance is reduced.

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What Are the Different Constructions of Aircraft Cable?2024-09-30T14:49:08+00:00
  • 7×19
  • 7×7
  • 3×7
  • 1×19
  • 1×7

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What is a Turnbuckle?2024-09-30T14:49:00+00:00

A turnbuckle is a metal coupling device consisting of right and left-hand threaded members screwed into an internally threaded body, which, when rotated, expands or contracts. To see examples of turnbuckles, visit our Gallery.

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What is a Machine Swaged Fitting?2024-09-30T14:48:50+00:00

A machine swaged fitting is attached to the cable by a swage machine that cold forms the fitting directly to the cable. A swaged fitting should not be confused with hand crimp fittings, or other hand tool applied fittings. A specialized swaging machine is the only way to attach swage fittings to cable as they can not be hand-crimped, welded, glued, hammered, or attached to a cable by any other means.

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What is a Hand Crimp Fitting?2024-09-30T14:48:46+00:00

Hand crimp fittings are attached to the cable with a hand crimp tool. Hand crimp fittings should not be confused with a Nicopress fitting as Nicopress fittings have sleeves made from a soft copper alloy and compress very easily. All hand crimp fittings are made from stainless steel and cannot be swaged, welded, glued, pressed in a vise or with vice grips, or attached to the cable by any means other than specialized tools.

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What Are Mechanical Fittings?2024-09-30T14:48:42+00:00

Mechanical fittings are attached when a fitting compresses the cable with a cone inside the fitting or cable. Mechanical fittings are assembled to the cable with simple hand tools, are larger in diameter than swage and hand crimp fittings, and can be reused with a new cone at a certain expense.

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What Type of Cable Should I Use for Architecture Railing?2024-09-30T14:48:38+00:00

Generally, 1×19 cables should be used for all railing applications as it is stiff with minimal stretch and ideal for railings with runs up to 50 feet. 7×7 cable is more flexible with additional stretch and can be used for railings with shorter runs, while 7×19 cable is the most flexible but will kink if tensioned on a 90-degree corner.

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What Size Cable Do I Use?2024-09-30T14:48:34+00:00

3/16” cable is the most popular size and useful for railing applications. In high traffic applications such as airports, stadiums, or amusement parks, 1/4” cable is highly recommended. For residential applications where view and unobtrusiveness are paramount, 1/8” cable works well.

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Do I Need a Turnbuckle in My Cable Assembly?2024-09-30T14:48:31+00:00

Yes. Cable works great for railing, but only if you have the ability to tighten, and if necessary, re-tighten it with a turnbuckle or with a through-bolted threaded terminal.

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How Much Tension Do I Need?2024-09-30T14:48:27+00:00

Lexco Cable recommends 350 lbs. of tension on each cable assembly for a cable railing.

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Can I Take 90º Corners?2024-09-30T14:48:23+00:00

No. A true 90º corner will tweak the cable no matter what construction of cable is used. The physics of the cable does not allow the tension to be equally transmitted from one side of a corner to the other side. Tension must be maintained throughout the entire cable run to meet code, and end fittings should be used to make the corner transition and keep the cable tension in a straight line.

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What End Attachments Do I Use?2024-09-30T14:48:19+00:00

End attachments are the designer’s personal choice, as there are a variety of ways to accomplish the same results with different fittings. End posts and aesthetics are the most important factors in determining which end attachments to use.

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What Grade of Stainless Steel Does Lexco Use?2024-09-30T14:48:15+00:00

For all major components, we use Type 316 stainless steel, which is a low-carbon “18-8” chromium-nickel stainless steel modified by the addition of molybdenum that significantly increases its corrosion resistance. T304 stainless steel cable can also be used indoors or in mild environments.

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What Are Some Typical Applications of Automotive Cables?2024-09-30T14:48:11+00:00

Automotive Manufacturing
Nearly 85 million motor vehicles were produced worldwide in 2022 – and wire rope was used in all of them. Automotive cable is used for several purposes in factories and workshops, making parts and assembling vehicles. This includes lifting and carrying parts from one part of the shop to another or between presses on a work line.
It’s also used for hoisting particular pieces, most notably in-process engines, and holding them in place.

Vehicle Control
Inside cars and other vehicles, automotive cable is used for several purposes, with the cable itself being highly specialized depending on use. These include push-pull custom assemblies such as pull-only throttle cables, pull-only clutch cables, gear shifters, and manual transmission systems.

Parking Brake Cable
Automotive cable is used for pull-only brake cables and locking brake levers, with the cable’s tensile strength needing to be finely tuned to act instantaneously with a driver’s touch.

Accelerator Cables
In a vehicle, the accelerator cable – also referred to as a throttle cable – is a wire rope that connects the gas pedal with the engine plate. When pressure is applied to the pedal and released, the driver is able to control the speed of the car. When these cables snap, stretch, or weaken, delayed acceleration or other problems in cruise control may follow. That is why these cables need to be durable, as they control a critical function within the automobile.

Door Latch Cables
When opening the door to a vehicle, there are two release handles at work. One is inside the car, while the other is outside. They’re connected to the door latch cable, especially on large automobiles or doors with more space between the handle and the latch itself. When someone pulls the handle, the cable is pulled as well, releasing the latch. A door latch cable in an automobile will usually include retainers on both ends as well. When these cables corrode, it can become difficult – or even impossible – to open up the door again.

Seat Lock Cable Assemblies
Seat lock cable assemblies in a car are used to lock and unlock a car’s seating arrangement as it is provided on the frame of the vehicle. Strength and durability are key features in this type of automotive cable, as they’ll need to be able to withstand substantial loads.

Other Applications of Automotive Cable
Wire rope and automotive cables have many uses inside of a vehicle, including:

  • Seat belt cables – A seat belt pre-tensioner needs a curved cable guide and a flexible cable alike, usually with fitted ends.
  • Shift cable – The shift cable, as found on a vehicle with automatic transmission, stands to connect the shifter in the vehicle with the transmission. When motion travels through the transmission shift cable, the transmission linkage moves the shift arm.
  • Hood latch cable – Also called the ‘hood release cable’- this is the wire rope that allows you to open up the hood of your car. It typically runs from the handle to the latch under the hood.
  • Heater control cables – The part that links a car’s heater to the dashboard, a heater control cable helps the user control the temperature in the vehicle.

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What Are the Available Materials for Bolt Snaps and Snap Hooks?2024-09-30T14:47:11+00:00

Bolt snaps and snap hooks are made from stainless steel, rustproof metal, malleable iron, solid bronze, or steel wire.

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These Materials Are Suitable for What Kinds of Application Environments?2024-09-30T14:47:07+00:00

Stainless steel is the most corrosion-resistant material and also has some of the best aesthetics. Bronze is also corrosion-resistant, and because it is cheaper than stainless steel, you can get a heavier duty bronze snap hook for the same price. Rustproof metal, malleable iron, and steel wire are also cost-effective and widely used.

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What Are Common Uses for Bolt Snaps and Snap Hooks?2024-09-30T14:47:04+00:00

Bolt snaps and snap hooks have a wide variety of uses. Light-duty snaps and hooks make excellent key chains and dog leashes. Heavy-duty snaps and hooks can hoist loads as part of a crane operation or can be used to tow boats in marine applications.

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What Kind of Applications Are Zinc Plated Wire Stops, Zinc Plated Swivel Assemblies, and Wire Clamps Ideal for?2024-09-30T14:47:01+00:00

Zinc plated wire stops, swivel assemblies, and wire clamps are ideal for very light loads and temporary wire holding applications.

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What is the Right Cutting Tool for Marine Applications?2024-09-30T14:46:58+00:00

Felco’s C-108 and C-112 are ideal for marine applications. They are especially suited for the quick and easy cutting of shrouds, stays, halyards, and other rigging of high-tensile wire rope or cable up to a 5/16” diameter. These tools can provide an inexpensive peace-of-mind for the rare time occasion when a mast breaks. Additionally, Felco’s C-9 works well underwater as they are protected against rust and saltwater.

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What is the Right Tool for Cutting Steel Strapping and Banding?2024-09-30T14:46:55+00:00

Felco’s CP is indispensable for cutting steel strapping and banding. They are also especially well-suited to cut string, twine, rope, tin, and many other materials with ease. The red plastic-coated handle is fitted to the hand to make cutting comfortable while a thumb catch locks the cutter when not in use.

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What is Dfars Compliant Wire Rope?2024-09-30T14:46:51+00:00

The following countries are approved by the Speciality Metals flowdown:

  • Australia
  • Austri
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Egyp
  • Estonia
  • Federal Republic of Germany
  • Finland
  • France
  • Greece
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Luxembourg
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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What Does “Domestic” Wire Rope Mean and What Does “Us Made and Us Melt” Mean?2024-09-30T14:46:44+00:00

“Domestic” wire rope is stranded and closed in USA. “US Made and Melt” wire rope is made from raw material heats which are melted in the USA before stranding in USA.

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What is the Cage Code for Lexco?2024-09-30T14:46:41+00:00

Lexco Cable, the DBA (Doing Business As) name for K.N.M. Industries, can be found in the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) portal using the CAGE Code: 1VXG5.

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What’s the Difference Between Polypropylene and Nylon Bungee Cords?2024-09-30T14:46:38+00:00

Polypropylene is a general-purpose bungee cord that endures well in the outdoors. Nylon bungee cords are ideal in marine applications; however, nylon bungee cord breaks faster than polypropylene in direct sunlight.

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Does Breaking Strength Apply to Bungee Cords?2024-09-30T14:46:35+00:00

Bungee cord strength is tested by percent of expansion. The maximum recommended expansion during application is 50% of the bungee cord’s resting length. When a bungee assembly is stretched beyond this 50% stretch working limit, the decrease in bungee diameter affects the limit of the bungee fittings holding capacity.

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What is the Advantage of Incorporating Bungee Balls in a Bungee Assembly’s Design?2024-09-30T14:47:26+00:00

Bungee balls are useful for numerous types of bungee assemblies as they eliminate the rubbing and fraying caused when the bungee cord contacts a surface in the field. In some applications, bungee balls can also be useful as a point of grip or as an alternative end fitting to a hook such as in tarp holding applications.

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How Are Bungee Balls Attached to Bungee Cords?2024-09-30T14:46:28+00:00

Bungee balls are secured via a crimped fitting such as a collar, sleeve, c-ring, or knot. They can be applied to the bungee with varying degrees of pressure in order to best suit stretch needs during application.

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Is a Bungee Cord the Same as a Shock Cord?2024-09-30T14:46:25+00:00

Yes, bungee cord is synonymous with shock cord.

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When Should a Regular Eye Bolt Be Used?2024-09-30T14:46:22+00:00

A regular eye bolt, also known as a plain pattern eye bolt, should be used in applications where the load is pulled away from the eye.

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When Should a Shoulder Eye Bolt Be Used?2024-09-30T14:46:18+00:00

A shoulder eye bolt should be used in applications where the load is pulled toward the eye.

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What is a Lag Eye Bolt Used for?2024-09-30T14:46:15+00:00

A lag eye bolt is used for threading into wood.

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What is the Difference Between Hot-dip Galvanized Steel Eye Bolts and Stainless Steel Eye Bolts?2024-09-30T14:46:12+00:00

Both hot-dip galvanized steel and stainless steel eye bolts can be used in outdoor applications. However, stainless steel eye bolts will endure longer in marine applications and are considered to be more aesthetically pleasing when used in architectural applications.

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What Are the Common Types of Eye Bolts?2024-09-30T14:46:09+00:00

There are serval common types of eye bolts. A few of these eye bolt types include regular pattern eye bolt, shoulder pattern eye bolt, machinery eye bolt, screw eye bolt, nut eye bolt, and lag eye bolt.

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What is the Difference Between Forged Eye Bolts and Formed-and-bent Eye Bolts?2024-09-30T14:46:03+00:00

Forged eye bolts are made by hammering or pressing a solid piece of metal into a desired shape, while formed-and-bent eye bolts are created by bending and shaping a piece of metal into a loop. Forged eye bolts are typically stronger and more durable than formed-and-bent eye bolts. The choice between the two types of eye bolts depends on the specific application and the required load capacity.

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What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing an Eye Bolt?2024-09-30T14:46:00+00:00

When choosing an eye bolt it is important to consider the weight, load type, and lift angle of the rope assembly. It is also important to consider the material, size, thread type, and the degree of corrosion resistance, of the eye bolt.

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How Much Weight Can an Eye Bolt Hold?2024-09-30T14:45:57+00:00

The term for this is called rated capacity. An eye bolt’s rated capacity describes how heavy of a load a single eye bolt can support when the load is angled at 0 degrees. Here is a list of forged eye bolts and the corresponding weight capacity in pounds for typical applications:

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What Are the Uses for Nylon Cable Ties?2024-09-30T14:45:53+00:00

Nylon cable ties are a multipurpose, easy to use, and cost-efficient way of supporting and organizing cable, wire, and rope.

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What Environments Are Appropriate for Nylon Cable Ties?2024-09-30T14:45:51+00:00

Nylon cable ties are suitable for indoor as well as outdoor use. Black UV-stable cable ties are recommended for sunlight exposed applications.

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Are Nylon Cable Ties Load Rated?2024-09-30T14:45:48+00:00

Yes, nylon cable ties are load rated from 18–250 lbs. tensile strength.

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Are Nylon Cable Ties Permanent?2024-09-30T14:45:14+00:00

The majority of nylon cable ties cannot be loosened once applied. However, Lexco does carry a releasable 50 lb. tensile strength nylon cable tie, which is available in 3 lengths; CTR8-50C9, CTR11-50C9, and CTR14-50C9.

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Are Plain Balls Load Bearing to the Cable Break Strength?2024-09-30T14:45:12+00:00

No, plain balls do not hold to the cable’s nominal breaking strength. When properly machine swaged onto 7×19 construction, 75% efficiency is typical. Single shank balls (or double shank balls) are recommended when 100% strength efficiency is required.

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What is the Application of Plain Balls?2024-09-30T14:45:09+00:00

Plain balls are a multi-purpose cable fitting that creates a bearing point. They can be installed at the end of a cable or at any point along a cable assembly’s length.

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What is the Difference Between a Single and Double Pulley Wheel Pulley?2024-09-30T14:45:07+00:00

A single wheel pulley accommodates one line or cable while a double wheel pulley accommodates two lines or cables.

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What is the Difference Between a Solid Pulley and a Swivel Eye Pulley?2024-09-30T14:45:03+00:00

Solid eye pulleys should strictly be used in straight run applications. A swivel eye pulley can rotate, allowing the line or cable to enter and exit the pulley in non-straight run applications.

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What is Another Name for Hourglass Sleeves?2024-09-30T14:44:59+00:00

Duplex sleeves are synonymous with hourglass sleeves.

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Are Custom Sleeves Available?2024-09-30T14:44:54+00:00

Sleeves can be made to order in custom lengths. We stock aluminum 5/16” cable sleeve x 1” length, aluminum 3/8” cable sleeve x 1” length, and aluminum 3/16” cable sleeve x 11/16” length.

Combination sleeves can also be made to order. A combination sleeve accommodates two different sized cables in a single sleeve. For example, our aluminum 1/8” x 1/16” combo sleeve size as well as our aluminum 3/16”x1/8” combination sleeve size.

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Can Sleeves Be Custom Packaged?2024-09-30T14:43:15+00:00

Yes, we are happy to accommodate your needs. We typically polybag sleeves based on customer requested pack quantities.

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What is the Difference Between the Turnback and Flemish Loops?2025-03-03T16:44:35+00:00

A turnback sleeve loop can be observed here.  The turnback sleeve is cylindrical after swage.  During fabrication the cable goes through the sleeve and then is lapped over.  Turnback sleeves can be made from aluminum, copper, steel and stainless.  Turnback loops are general purpose and the most common that we assemble.  Turnback loops can be clamped with wire rope clips if there isn’t access to swaging with sleeves.

A Flemish sleeve loop can be observed here.  The Flemish sleeve is cylindrical, but it also has a taper.  Flemish sleeve loops require more fabrication labor than turnback loops because before a Flemish sleeve is swaged, the wire rope is spliced.  Flemish loops are typical for lifting application slings commonly used in construction.  Flemish sleeves are usually carbon such as this product line.

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How Can a Stainless Steel Item Be Inspected to Confirm That It’s Type 316?2024-09-30T14:43:06+00:00

Testing for molybdenum is a suggested method for verifying stainless steel is type 316. Molybdenum is abbreviated as Mo. To be classified as type 316 stainless steel, the Mo chemical composition should be 2%. By comparison SS type 304 has 0% of Mo in its chemical composition.

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Do You Need Custom Tooling to Swage Stamped Eyelets to Cable?2024-09-30T14:43:03+00:00

Yes, custom tooling is needed to swage Stamped Eyelets to cable. Lexco sells eyelets in bulk, but we recommend that you have us swage them for you whenever possible to ensure high-quality fabrication.

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Do Stamped Eyelets Hold the Cable’s Strength Capacity?2024-09-30T14:43:00+00:00

Some of Lexco’s stamped eyelets hold the cable’s strength capacity when installed onto 7×7 and 7×19 construction. Our 2093-02, 2091-02, and 2103-02 stamped eyelets hold 250 lbs. maximum. Our 2403-04, 2401-04, 2413-04, and 2411-04 stamped eyelets hold 1600 lbs. maximum. Stamped eyelets must be swaged with properly designed tooling in a controlled environment, and a pull test is recommended to verify the holding strength.

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What Does “an” Stand for?2024-09-30T14:42:56+00:00

“AN” stands for American Navy.

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Why Should Thimbles Be Used?2024-09-30T14:42:52+00:00

Thimbles enhance the longevity of the cable as they protect the cable from fraying and kinking at the bearing point of the loop.

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What Materials Are Thimbles Available in?2024-09-30T14:42:49+00:00

Thimbles are available in zinc-plated steel, galvanized steel, and stainless steel.

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What is the Purpose of a Wire Rope Thimble?2024-09-30T14:42:46+00:00

Wire rope thimbles protect steel cable loops and rope slings from abrasion. They also serve a role in preventing deformation such as kinking.

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Are Wire Rope Thimbles Necessary?2024-09-30T14:42:42+00:00

Wire rope thimbles are strongly suggested for most load bearing wire rope applications, as they protect the wire from contact with external surfaces that might damage the rope and shorten the wire rope loop’s useful life.

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What Kind of Coating Does My Fitness Cable Have?2024-09-30T14:42:39+00:00

Fitness cables commonly have a black nylon coating and nylon-11 typically outlasts nylon-6.

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What Stranding Construction is My Fitness Cable?2024-09-30T14:42:35+00:00

Fitness cables have 7×19 construction for high flexibility.

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Does the Loop on My Fitness Cable Need a Thimble?2024-09-30T14:42:31+00:00

Yes, thimbles are recommended on load bearing loops to protect the wire at the bearing point.

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Does the Coating on My Fitness Cable Need to Be Stripped Before I Crimp or Swage the End Fitting?2024-09-30T14:42:28+00:00

Yes, stripping the coating before crimping or swaging is recommended for optimizing the holding strength.

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If My Fitness Cable Has a Single Shank Ball, How is It Installed Onto the Cable?2024-09-30T14:42:24+00:00

Machine swaging is required to install single shank balls. Lexco machine swages the single shank balls to hold to the cable’s nominal strength and then ships you the fabricated assembly.

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If My Fitness Cable Has a Threaded Stud, How is It Installed Onto the Cable?2024-09-30T14:42:19+00:00

Machine swaging is required to install threaded studs. Lexco machine swages the threaded studs and then ships you the fabricated assembly.

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How Do I Check the Status of My Order?2024-09-30T14:42:16+00:00

Please contact your sales representative to ask any questions about the status of your order. Alternatively, you can reach out to customerservice@lexcocable.com for an update.

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Where Can I Find the Tracking Number for My Order?2024-09-30T14:42:13+00:00

Your tracking number will be on your invoice, which is emailed the first business day after your order is shipped. If you have not yet received your invoice and would like to know your order status, reach out to your sales representative or email customerservice@lexcocable.com.

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Can Lexco Provide Certifications?2024-09-30T14:42:10+00:00

Yes, for most orders, we can provide manufacturing certifications and Certificates of Compliance (COCs) upon request. Additional charges for COCs may apply. If not noted on your purchase order, please let your sales representative know as soon as possible which certification your order requires. First article inspection reports or PPAPs must be quoted on a case-by-case basis. Additional charges may apply if requested after your order has shipped.

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Can My Order Be Expedited?2024-09-30T14:42:06+00:00

Yes, in many circumstances we can offer expedited services. Contact your sales representative to learn more. Additional charges may apply.

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How Can I Be Certain What I Have Ordered Will Work as Intended?2024-09-30T14:42:03+00:00

Let your salesperson know if a first article should be shipped for approval while the production is backordered pending approval.

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My Assembly is for a Critical Application. Can You Provide Additional Testing?2024-09-30T14:41:59+00:00

Yes, we can provide additional testing and inspections to ensure zero defects for critical applications. If it was not noted on your purchase order, please let your sales representative know as soon as possible if your assembly is for a critical application. Please note, Lexco is not insured to make critical flight controls.

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What’s Your Overrun Policy?2024-09-30T14:41:55+00:00

Lexco Cable’s policy is to overship up to 10% of the original order in overruns for custom assemblies. If you have not already noted it on your purchase order, you can contact your sales representative with any minimum or maximum overrun percentage requests.

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I Have a Bagging or Cable Reel Requirement. Who Should I Let Know?2024-09-30T14:41:51+00:00

If it was not noted on your purchase order, please communicate any packaging requirements, such as maximum weight per box, pieces per bag, or reel length requirements for cable, to your sales representative as soon as possible.

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If My Purchase is Tax-exempt, How Do I Ensure I Am Not Taxed?2024-09-30T14:41:21+00:00

If it was not included with your purchase order, you can email your sales representative or contact customerservice@lexcocable.com with your tax-exempt certification or to receive an update or any necessary clarification.

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When Will I Receive My Invoice?2024-09-30T14:40:22+00:00

We email your invoice after the order has shipped, typically within one business day.

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Do You Have Lot-number Traceability?2024-09-30T14:40:17+00:00

Yes, we have lot-number traceability to determine the origin of materials for every order. Lot numbers are included on our COCs. For more information, please contact your sales representative.

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How Do You Handle Re-orders?2024-09-30T14:40:14+00:00

Contact your sales representative with any repeat or revised orders. We keep all specifications on file, including those from prior years, to ensure a simple and efficient reordering process. Please let your sales representative know as soon as possible if there are any revisions to specifications with a recurring order you have with us.

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What is Lexco’s Return Policy?2024-09-30T14:40:11+00:00

Sales are final on custom items, such as custom coatings, custom reel length, custom assemblies, custom fittings, custom hardware, etc. View our full return policy at https://www.lexcocable.com/policies/.

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Does Lexco Publish Price Lists?2024-09-30T14:40:06+00:00

No, we generally don’t publish prices because we are not B2C ecommerce driven.  Material costs change rapidly  and we focus on quantity discounts for various B2B customer types such as OEMs, Contractors, Fabricators, MROs, Distributors, Military. We work best with quoting pricing as needed, on a per project basis.  Due to the technical nature and breadth of wire rope products we like to collaborate with our customers. We work best when a customer provides us with a sketch, drawing, sample, spec and/or pictures. We fabricate assemblies for many of our customers.

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What Are the Differences Between Drop-forged Steel Hooks and Stainless Steel Hooks?2024-09-30T14:39:50+00:00

While drop-forged steel is strong, stainless steel combines strength and beauty for applications requiring attention to aesthetics.

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How Does the Hook Safety Change When Comparing Hooks Without a Latch, Single-latch Hooks, and Double-latch Hooks?2024-09-30T14:39:45+00:00

Double safety latch hooks and single safety latch hooks are the safest options. Double safety latch hooks make the most sense in fall-restraint applications while hooks without latches are ideal in non-critical applications.

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What Are the Intended Applications of S-hooks?2024-09-30T14:38:30+00:00

S-hooks are intended for use with class I, II, and III trailer safety cables.

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What is Astm A1023 Prestretching Also Known as Prestressing?2024-09-30T14:38:21+00:00

Stranded ropes are not prestretched unless otherwise specified. When specified, ropes may be prestretched using either a process of static or dynamic loading. Prestretch loads shall not exceed 55% of the minimum breaking strength for the wire rope.

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When is Proof-loading Required?2024-09-30T14:38:16+00:00

Typically a proof-load is required by engineer’s drawing due to a critical application such as lifting, overhead safety, aerospace critical, military critical, structural support, etc. A proof-load is required if a engineer’s drawing describe either proof-load test per MIL-DTL-6117 or proof-load test per MIL-DTL-5688.

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If a Proof-load is Required, What is the Appropriate Test Load?2024-09-30T14:38:11+00:00

The proof-load test load should be specified by the drawing engineer. In cases of a commercial grade assembly with terminations that hold to the wire rope’s nominal breaking strength then 40% or 50% of nominal break are common. If the proof-load is in compliance to MIL-DTL-6117 and/or MIL-DTL-5688 then the test load shall be 60% of the terminal break strength or 60% of the wire rope nominal break strength, whichever is lower. Caution should be exercised when proof-loading to ensure that the test does not inadvertently cause stress or fatigue to the assembly unless that was the objective because the tested assembly will be sacrificed.

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What Cable Assemblies Commonly Require Pull Testing and Proof Loading?2024-09-30T14:37:54+00:00

Routine proof loading is recommended for critical load applications such as fall protection cables. Pull testing (to assembly failure) is recommended for any load-bearing cable in order to qualify its design.

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What is Lexco’s in-house Pull-testing or Proof-loading Capacity?2024-09-30T14:37:48+00:00

Lexco’s equipment is calibrated to test up to 180,000 lbs. To learn more, watch our helpful video.

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What Are the Most Common Cable Constructions Used in Push-pull Controls, and What Are Their Application Differences?2024-09-30T14:37:40+00:00

7×19 cables are extremely flexible, making them ideal for pull assemblies. They are capable of going over tight 90º bends or over small pulleys that are less than 3” diameter.

7×7 cables are moderately flexible and suitable for pull applications with medium-sized pulleys at approximately 45º bends.

1×19 is a coarse strand cable with little flexibility that is most useful for push-type applications.

Solid wire has minimal flexibility and is suitable for straight-run applications.

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Which Conduit Type is Used in Frequent or Continually Cycling Push-pull Applications?2024-12-03T19:30:10+00:00

For frequent or continually cycling push-pull applications, a lined conduit, such as Polyethylene lined, is used to reduce friction.

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Which Conduit Type is Used in Frequent or Continually Cycling Push-pull Applications?2024-09-30T14:37:29+00:00

Lined “Bowden” conduits are most commonly used in industrial applications because of their tight winding and crush resistance.

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What is a Balloon Drawing?2024-09-30T14:37:21+00:00

Each print characteristic gets assigned a reference number. Not only can a balloon correspond to a dimension, but it can also represent a note. The balloon number is one of the first columns on the inspection sheet. For the balloon that represents a note, the inspection is likely done on a yes/no, pass/fail basis.

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What is a PSW?2024-09-30T14:37:14+00:00

A Part Submission Warrant (PSW) is similar to a certificate of conformance (COC) because it documents the part number, revision level, and PO number. However, a PSW also incorporates a checklist. That checklist ensures that all documents required are included. PSWs are essential for both PPAPs and AS9102s.

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Stainless Steel Quick Links Are Ideal for Which Environments?2024-09-30T14:37:03+00:00

Stainless steel quick links are ideal for wet and corrosive environments such as saltwater or marine applications.

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Zinc-plated Quick Links Are Ideal for Which Environments?2024-09-30T14:36:58+00:00

Zinc-plated quick links are ideal for dry, indoor, or mild environments.

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Standard and Wide Jaw Quick Links Are Ideal for Which Applications?2024-09-30T14:36:55+00:00

Straight loads, such as linear lifting, are the ideal use case for standard and wide jaw quick links.

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Delta-shaped Quick Links Are Ideal for Which Applications?2024-09-30T14:36:51+00:00

Delta-shaped quick links are ideal for trapeze or bridle load applications.

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Pear-shaped Quick Links Are Ideal for Which Applications?2024-09-30T14:36:46+00:00

Pear-shaped quick links, in addition to delta-shaped quick links, are ideal for trapeze or bridle load applications.

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Square-shaped Quick Links Are Ideal for Which Applications?2024-09-30T14:36:41+00:00

Square-shaped quick links are ideal for applications that involve joining two lines together.

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How Are Round Rings and D-rings Used in Cable Assemblies?2024-09-30T14:36:35+00:00

Round rings and D-rings are connecting hardware, which can be used in cable assemblies as an efficient connecting point.

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Why Should Round Rings and D-rings Be Used as a Connecting Point?2024-09-11T14:10:46+00:00

When used as connecting points, round rings, and D-rings prolong cable life.

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What is the Difference in Application Between Hot-dip Galvanized Drop Forged Steel Shackles and Stainless Steel Shackles?2024-09-30T14:36:18+00:00

Both varieties of shackles are for towing and hoisting situations. Hot-dip galvanized drop forged steel shackles are ideal for industrial applications, while stainless steel shackles are more corrosive-resistant and ideal for marine applications.

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What is the Difference in Application Between Anchor Shackles and Chain Shackles?2024-09-30T14:36:12+00:00

Anchor shackles are designed for multi-dimensional pulling applications. Chain shackles are designed for straight pull applications.

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What is the Difference in Applications Between Screw Pin Shackles and Round Pin Shackles?2024-09-30T14:34:53+00:00

Screw pin shackles are convenient because of their quick releasing pin, which saves set-up time on the job site. Round pin shackles, also known as safety pin shackles, should be used in applications when safety is paramount.

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What is the Min Bend Diameter of 1×7 Strand?2024-09-30T14:34:50+00:00

As a rule of thumb for the 1×7 min bend radius, use the drum on the reel that it comes on as a guideline.  Generally speaking, 1×7 factories uses reels as small as they can reasonably without deforming or damaging the wires.  By drum I’m referring to the the barrel portion of the reel.  If the drum on your reel of 1×7 is 12”, then that means 12” is suggested min bend diameter for that 1×7.  For ease of measuring, you can use the nuts on the reel flange.

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Why Are Strap Fork Ends and Strap Eye Ends Used When Carrying Loads?2024-09-30T14:34:47+00:00

Strap fork ends and strap eye ends are used when carrying loads because the fork or eye swivels around the ball end fitting allowing the load to twist freely without transferring tension to the cable.

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Do Clevis or Cotter Pins Come With Fork Ends, Eye Ends, Strap Fork Ends, or Strap Eye Ends?2024-09-30T14:34:41+00:00

No, the clevis and cotter pins must be ordered separately.

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Are Eye Nuts Threaded?2024-09-30T14:34:38+00:00

Eye nuts are available as thread tapped as well as in blank form. Eye nuts can be secured to threaded rods and eyebolts.

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Why Are Threaded and Upset Rods Used in Conjunction With a Turnbuckle Body?2024-09-30T14:34:33+00:00

Threaded and upset rods are used in conjunction with a turnbuckle body to keep the structural support at the desired tension. This allows the structural support to accommodate adjustments while spanning a large distance.

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What Type of Yoke Ends Are There?2024-09-30T14:34:30+00:00

Plain and adjustable yoke ends are available.

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Will a Threaded Stud Hold the Cable’s Maximum Load?2024-09-30T14:34:25+00:00

Mil-spec threaded studs MS21259 and MS21260 are made to withstand 100% capacity of the cable’s strength when installed onto 7×7, 7×19, 6×19, and 6×37 constructions. Many commercial grade threaded studs also fully hold the cable break strength, but exceptions do exist, such as threaded studs intended for cable railing applications. When a threaded stud is being installed on a strand, such as 1×7 or 1×19, a deeper cable hole may be required to achieve the best results. We can provide threaded studs in bulk, but we recommend that you have us swage them for you whenever possible to ensure high-quality fabrication, and a pull test is recommended to verify the holding strength.

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Will a Threaded Plug Hold the Cable’s Maximum Load?2024-09-30T14:34:18+00:00

It depends on the exact model and cable construction being installed as some threaded plugs do not have a cable hole deep enough for full strength efficiency. We are happy to provide threaded plugs in bulk, but we recommend that you have us swage them for you whenever possible to ensure high-quality fabrication. A pull test is additionally recommended to verify the holding strength.

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What Are the Advantages of Swaged Fittings?2024-09-30T14:34:12+00:00

Swaging fittings are typically faster to install. Swaged fittings are often more cost-effective per unit. Frequently swaged fittings are stronger.

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Is Swaging the Same as Crimping?2024-09-30T14:34:04+00:00

Swaging and crimping are often used interchangeably. However, they refer to slightly different processes. Crimping is typically not as strong because less surface gets compressed, there is more flash, and after crimping, diameter tolerance is harder to control precisely.

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Can Electroline Swageless Fittings Be Removed and Reused?2024-09-30T14:34:00+00:00

Yes, Electroline swageless fittings can be uninstalled, but the plug should be replaced when reattaching.

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What Diameters and Constructions Can Push-lock® and Pull-lock® Be Used for?2024-09-30T14:33:58+00:00

Push-Lock® and Pull-Lock® are designed for 1/8″ 1×19, 3/16” 1×19, and 1/4” 1×19 combinations.

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Why Do You Need Stainless Swageless Mechanical Fittings?2024-09-30T14:33:54+00:00

Swageless mechanical fittings are tremendously convenient on the job site as the only tools needed to assemble these fittings onto cable are two wrenches. Swageless mechanical fittings are also useful as they are not permanent and can be removed from the cable and reinstalled as needed.

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Do Stainless Swageless Mechanical Fittings Hold the Cable’s Maximum Load?2024-09-30T14:33:51+00:00

It depends on several variables, such as the swageless model, the cable’s construction, and the installer’s proficiency. Swageless fittings designed for cable railing applications hold at least 1/3 of the cable strength. Many Electroline brand swageless fittings can hold up to 100% of cable break strength, but we always recommend a pull test be performed to prove the adequacy for your application.

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How Do You Install the Swageless Fitting?2024-09-30T14:33:47+00:00

To install a swageless fitting, first slip the sleeve over the end of the cable. Next, insert the plug into the center of the wire strand(s). The socket should then completely cover the wires that have been upset around the plug. Once tightened, the combination of these three pieces of hardware secures the cable in a strong assembly.

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What Are Swivels Used for?2024-09-30T14:33:44+00:00

Swivels are used to prevent over-twist stress on a cable or line.

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What Are Common Applications for Light-duty Swivels?2024-09-30T14:33:36+00:00

Light-duty swivels have a wide variety of uses, from key chains and dog leashes to securing two cables or lines.

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What Are the Types of Applications for Heavy-duty Regular Swivels?2024-09-30T14:33:33+00:00

The most common types of applications for heavy-duty regular swivels involve moving load applications and extreme load applications.

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What Are the Types of Applications for Heavy-duty Swivel Jaws?2024-09-30T14:33:30+00:00

Heavy-duty swivel jaws are commonly used in moving load applications, extreme load applications, and in situations where an easy removal via a pin is preferred.

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When Are Heavy-duty Chain Swivels Used?2024-09-30T14:33:27+00:00

Heavy-duty chain swivels should be used for chain hoisting applications and applications involving extreme loads.

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What Types of Custom Fastening Bolts Are Available With a Zinc Die-cast Tiller Clamp?2024-09-30T14:33:23+00:00

The most common custom fastening bolts are Allen, Phillips, and tamper-proof.

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What Size Cables Do the 3mm and 4mm Zinc Die-cast Tiller Clamps Fit?2024-09-30T14:33:19+00:00

The 3mm zinc die-cast tiller clamp fits a 1/8” cable diameter, and the 4mm fits 5/32” or 3/16” cable diameters.

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What Are the Advantages of Turnbuckle Connections?2024-09-30T14:33:15+00:00

Turnbuckle’s take-up threads provide for adjustability in length, which allows you to maintain your assembly at proper tension over time.

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What Are the Applications of Turnbuckle Hooks?2024-09-30T14:33:09+00:00

Turnbuckle hooks are ideal for fast and easy connecting and disconnecting situations, as well as applications involving quick adjustments. They are not suitable for extreme load applications.

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What Are the Applications of Turnbuckle Eyes?2024-09-30T14:33:04+00:00

Turnbuckle eyes are used for extreme load applications, permanent attachments, and situations where quick adjustments may be necessary.

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What Are the Applications of Turnbuckle Jaws?2024-09-30T14:33:00+00:00

Turnbuckle jaws have an easy removal via pin and are commonly used in extreme load applications and in situations where a fast adjustment may be required.

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What Are the Applications of Turnbuckle Stub Ends?2024-09-30T14:31:31+00:00

Turnbuckle stub ends work well in applications involving welding to permanent fixtures.

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How Does Vinyl Coating Differ From Nylon Coating?2024-09-30T14:31:21+00:00

Nylon is harder than vinyl and has better impact, abrasion, and fatigue resistance. Nylon is better suited for friction with pulleys and sheaves, while vinyl is more flexible and has better UV resistance. Vinyl coating costs less than nylon coating.

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What Applications Does Vinyl Wire Rope Make Sense for?2024-09-30T14:31:13+00:00

Vinyl is well suited for general purpose, sailing, security, towing, and outdoor applications in both warm or cold environments.

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What Applications Does Nylon Wire Rope Make Sense for?2024-09-30T14:30:45+00:00

Nylon is commonly used in applications, including pulleys, exercise equipment, conveyors, and similar use cases. Nylon is additionally well suited for use indoors as well as in acidic environments such as sewers and wells.

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What Are the Different Constructions of Vinyl and Nylon Coated Cable?2024-09-30T14:30:23+00:00

Vinyl and nylon coatings are primarily stocked in 7×7 and 7×19 constructions with other constructions available upon special request.

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What is Wire Rope?2024-09-30T14:30:12+00:00

Wire rope is a flexible steel cord that is extremely strong. Typical uses for wire rope are: hoisting, towing, and anchoring heavy loads. The core is the foundation of a wire rope. The three most commonly used core designations are: fiber core (FC)independent wire rope core (IWRC), and wire strand core (WSC).

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Will Wire Rope Rust?2024-09-30T14:29:59+00:00

In conditions that are salty or wet and humid, it is possible for wire rope to rust or corrode over time.

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How Do You Protect Wire Rope Against Corrosion?2024-09-11T14:00:48+00:00

Regular lubrication, coatings, galvanization, and choosing the right type of rope for an assembly will help protect a wire rope against corrosion, rust, and degradation.

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What is the Best Wire for Corrosion Resistance?2024-09-11T14:00:37+00:00

Due to the metals used in the manufacturing process, stainless steel is one of the best types of wire rope for avoiding corrosion.

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What Chemical Does Stainless Steel Type 316 Include That Stainless Steel Type 304 Does Not Contain?2024-09-11T14:00:25+00:00

Stainless steel type 316 comprises 2% Mo (molybdenum), while Mo is omitted from stainless steel type 304

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What Are the Four Characteristics to Consider When Choosing Wire Rope?2024-09-30T14:28:56+00:00

The four characteristics that someone should take into account when selecting wire rope for any project or assembly include strength, flexibility, corrosion resistance/ability to withstand wear, and ability to withstand distortion or crushing.

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How Do You Measure Wire Rope Diameter?2024-09-30T14:28:45+00:00

Wire rope diameters are determined upon the measurement of a circle that just touches the outermost area of its strands. Usually, parallel-jawed calipers are used for this.

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What is Extrusion Coating and How Does It Benefit Wire Ropes?2024-09-30T14:28:33+00:00

Extrusion coating involves jacketing wire ropes in a polymer layer, which enhances their durability and corrosion resistance. This process strengthens the ropes and allows for aesthetic customization through a range of colors, making them suitable for various environmental conditions and branding needs.

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In What Industries Are Extrusion Coated Wire Ropes Commonly Used?2024-09-30T14:28:21+00:00

Extrusion coated wire ropes have versatile applications across numerous industries. They are used in the fitness industry, children’s play structures, rigging, marine applications, industrial designs, architectural accents, pet accessories, retail displays, safety equipment, and much more.

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Can Extrusion Coated Wire Ropes Be Customized in Any Color?2024-09-30T13:49:10+00:00

Yes, one of the key features of extrusion coated wire ropes is the ability to match and create custom colors. This allows them to meet specific color requirements for projects, ranging from equipment manufacturers to safety equipment and retail displays. Lexco® Cable offers precision in color matching, ensuring the final product aligns with the brand’s identity and aesthetics.

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What Are the Factors Affecting the Selection of Wire Rope?2024-09-30T14:27:20+00:00

Strength-resistance to breaking
The wire rope should be strong enough to handle the maximum potential load, including safety factors.

Resistance to bending fatigue
Fatigue is caused by repeatedly bending rope around drums, sheaves, etc. A wire rope with strands made up of many small wires will be more resistant to fatigue, but less resistant to abrasion.

Resistance to vibrational fatigue 
Energy is absorbed via the end fittings or at the tangent point where the rope contacts the sheave.

Resistance to abrasion 
Abrasion occurs when a rope is dragged over the ground or other surfaces. A wire rope with strands made of fewer, larger wires will be more resistant to abrasion, but less resistant to fatigue.

Resistance to crushing 
During use, a wire rope may encounter crushing forces or be struck against hard objects. This can cause the rope to become flattened or distorted, resulting in premature breakage. Wire rope must have sufficient lateral stability to withstand the crushing pressures it may encounter. Regular lay ropes have greater lateral stability than Lang’s lay, and six-strand wire ropes have greater lateral stability than eight-strand ropes.

Reserve strength
Reserve strength is the combined strength of all the wires contained within the strands.

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What Are the Rope Lay Options?2024-09-30T14:27:10+00:00

The finished rope has either a right or left-hand lay, which refers to the direction in which the strands were wrapped around the core.

Regular lay means the individual wires were wrapped around the centers in one direction, and the strands were wrapped around the core in the opposite direction.

Lang’s lay means the wires were wrapped around the centers in one direction, and the strands were wrapped around the core in the same direction.

The length of lay is measured as the distance in inches for one strand to go completely around the rope one time.

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What Are the Differences Among Bright, Galvanized and Stainless Steel?2024-09-30T14:27:05+00:00

Bright wire rope is fabricated from wires that are not coated.

Rotation Resistant Bright wire rope is designed to resist the tendency to spin or rotate under load. In general, this rope is used as single part lines or situations where operating conditions require a rope that will resist cabling in a multipart system. The essential nature of rotation resistant rope designs impose certain limitations on their application and necessitate special handling requirements not encountered with other rope classifications.

Galvanized wire rope is zinc coated for corrosion resistance and has approximately the same pulling strength as Bright. In favorable environments, it can provide an economical alternative to stainless steel.

Stainless steel wire rope is made up of corrosion-resistant steel wires and is the highest quality wire rope available. It has approximately the same pulling strength as Bright or Galvanized rope and lasts the longest under harsh conditions such as saltwater and other acidic environments.

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What Are the Different Wire Rope Constructions?2024-09-30T14:26:55+00:00
Classification # of Strands # of Wires # of Max Outer Wires
6×19 6 15-26 12
6×37 6 27-49 18
6×61 6 50-74 24
6×91 6 75-108 30
6×127 6 109+ 36

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Are There Different Types of Rotation-resistant Wire Rope?2024-09-30T14:26:37+00:00

There are 3 categories of rotation-resistant wire ropes organized by torque reduction.

  1. Category 1 is the most rotation-resistant and typical constructions are 34×7 and 35×7. Category 1 rotation-resistant wire rope may be used with a swivel.
  2. Category 2 is moderate and typical constructions are 19×7 and 19×19. Category 2 rotation-resistant wire ropes should not be used with a swivel.
  3. Category 3 has the least rotation-resistant of the 3 categories and typical constructions are 8×19 and 8×25. Category 3 rotation-resistant wire ropes should not be used with a swivel.

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What Stranding Constructions Does Mil-dtl-83420 Cover?2024-09-30T14:26:24+00:00

7×7 bare

7×7 jacketed

7×19 bare

7×19 jacketed

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What Stranding Constructions Does Mil-dtl-83140 Cover?2024-09-30T14:26:16+00:00

19×7 rotation resistant

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What Stranding Constructions Does Mil-dtl-87161 Cover?2024-09-30T14:26:06+00:00


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What are wire rope threaded studs, and why are they important?2024-09-30T14:25:46+00:00

Wire rope threaded studs are crucial fastening components used in various applications to ensure structural integrity and reliability. They serve as the primary means of securing materials together across industries such as construction, automotive, aerospace, and marine.

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What Are the Common Materials Used in the Manufacturing of Wire Rope Threaded Studs?2024-09-30T14:25:40+00:00

Wire rope threaded studs are typically made from materials like carbon steel, stainless steel, and alloy steel, each selected for its specific properties such as strength, corrosion resistance, and suitability for various environmental conditions.

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How Do You Splice Two Wire Ropes Together Using Wire Rope Clips?2024-09-30T14:25:17+00:00

The preferred method of splicing two wire ropes together is to use interlocking turnback eyes with thimbles along with the recommended number of clips on each eye.

An alternate method is to use twice the number of clips as used for a turnback termination. The rope ends are placed parallel to each other, overlapping by twice the turnback amount. The minimum number of clips should be installed on each dead end. Regular spacing, installation torque, and other instructions also apply.

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How do you install wire rope clips?2024-09-30T14:25:10+00:00

The correct way to attach wire rope clips is as follows:

  1. Apply the first clip on the base width from the dead end of the wire rope. The base or saddle should bear on the line end of the rope with the u-bolt on the short end. Tighten nuts firmly.
  2. Attach the second clip as close to the loop as possible and loosely tighten the nuts.
  3. Attach a balance of clips, spaced equally between the first two clips. Tighten all nuts completely. Finally, apply the initial load and inspect the nuts and retighten them as needed. Remember to periodically inspect all clips.

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What is the Recommended Number of Clips to Use?2024-09-30T14:24:57+00:00

Table Lorem Ipsum

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Stainless Steel Type 316 Wire Rope Clips Are Used for What Types of Applications?2024-09-30T14:24:49+00:00

Stainless steel type 316 wire rope clips are used for applications involving saltwater or acidic environments.

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Malleable Electro-galvanized Wire Rope Clips Are Used for What Types of Applications?2024-09-30T14:24:39+00:00

Malleable electro-galvanized wire rope clips are used for general purpose applications both indoors and outdoors. They should not be used for extreme load applications.

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Drop Forged Galvanized Wire Rope Clips Are Used for What Types of Applications?2024-09-30T14:24:28+00:00

Drop forged galvanized wire rope clips are used for heavy-duty and high-load applications.

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What are push-pull controls?2024-12-02T21:47:22+00:00

Push-pull controls are mechanical systems that use cables to transmit precise control forces in both pulling and pushing directions. These systems are widely used in various industries such as aerospace, automotive, heavy machinery, marine, and OEM applications.

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How do push-pull controls work?2024-12-02T20:21:43+00:00

Push-pull controls work by transferring force through a cable assembly comprising an innermember (core cable) that slides within a protective conduit. The conduit guides and protects the cable, while the end rods and fittings ensure the assembly is connected to control points.

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What are the key components of a push-pull cable system?2024-12-02T21:02:39+00:00

Key components include the innermember (core cable), conduit (protective casing), conduit cap (ends of the conduit), seals (to prevent dust and moisture ingress), and end rods (for connecting the cable to control points).

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What are common aerospace applications for push-pull cables?2024-12-02T21:03:00+00:00

Applications include throttle controls, landing gear mechanisms, rudder controls, and other precision control systems.

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How are push-pull controls used in the automotive industry?2024-12-02T21:42:45+00:00

They are used in automatic systems like brakes, transmission controls, and air intake mechanisms.

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Why are custom cable assemblies preferred over commodity options?2024-12-03T19:19:46+00:00

Custom assemblies provide enhanced safety, superior performance, and design flexibility. They cater to unique project requirements, unlike commodity options, which are standardized and limited in customization.

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What industries benefit from custom cable assemblies?2024-12-03T19:24:40+00:00

Architectural and industrial lighting are primary industries, but they are also applicable to construction, interior design, and manufacturing.

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What types of systems are commonly used in architectural lighting?2024-12-03T19:20:12+00:00

Vertical and horizontal suspension systems, such as catenary cable assemblies, are frequently used. Components like jaw turnbuckles adjust and secure these systems.

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What components are ideal for industrial lighting assemblies?2024-12-03T19:20:26+00:00

Kwik-Loc cable jointers are preferred for their ease of use, allowing adjustable loops for field customization. This is especially helpful for electricians needing to modify cable lengths during installation.

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What are steel cables and wire ropes made of?2024-12-03T19:23:53+00:00

Steel cables consist of multiple steel wires twisted into strands, which are then twisted around a core. The core can be a fiber rope, a steel strand, or another cable.

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Why is cutting steel cables cleanly important?2024-12-03T19:24:01+00:00

Clean cuts improve functionality, safety, and longevity by preventing fraying, ensuring proper fit into crimps, and avoiding bird caging (deformation of the cable).

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What are the consequences of improperly cut steel cables?2024-12-03T19:24:09+00:00

Improper cuts can result in frayed ends, compromised safety, reduced durability, bird caging, and unprofessional aesthetics.

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What is fuse cutting, and why is it effective?2024-12-03T19:24:19+00:00

Fuse cutting uses electricity to superheat the cable at the cut point, melting and fusing the ends to prevent fraying. This method eliminates loose wires and simplifies finishing.

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How can I prevent fraying after cutting?2024-12-03T19:23:11+00:00

Use mechanical methods like crimping or professional fuse cutting to secure the ends of the cable.

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